Interview – Adriana España, executive director of ACRIP Bogotá and Cundinamarca

Our responsibility is to ensure the adequacy of our community; keep managers on human management informed and updated.

descargaAdriana España

Executive Director ACRIP Bogotá and Cundinamarca

Adriana España, Bogotana Of ancestry santandereana, is social communicator with emphasis on organizational communication from Javeriana University who holds the executive management of Bogotá and Cundinamarca ACRIP since March 2011.

Adriana,tell us a little of his career.

My first job was in organizational communication and capitalization Colpatria Insurance, a company in which I had the opportunity to be responsible for the training area in the human resources department and since then I liked the theme of training and human resources.

I made the specialization at the time in Management of Human Resources in the University of the Andes with the idea of continuing being employed at the area of human resources. Studying there, I had the opportunity to be employed at the area of executive formation of the faculty of administration of the same university for eight years mercadeando this type of programs and structuring programs inhouse. Later, I was employed at Legis for two years at the area of Professional Update and then, for five years, from Incolda – It Stops, dedicated to the area of executives’ formation.

Today, as executive director of ACRIP, just finished the PPD (Management Development Program) of Inalde.
As for hobbies, I like literature and am learning to play golf; enjoy nature and walk by the golf courses.

And as ACRIP, its foundation and its current reality as a federation.

ACRIP, as a federation, was born in Bogota for 56 years and is the oldest association of human resources in Latin America. We are federated with seven regional located in Atlántico, Bolívar, Valley, Bogota and Cundinamarca, Boyaca and in 2011, Santander and the Coffee was reactivated. Each region has a board of directors elected by the assembly that conforms affiliates and each board has, in turn, a president. To Bogota and Cundinamarca, the president is Juan Carlos Alvarez, vice president of human management of the Group.

The trade association representing us internationally FIDAGH to the Federation in Human Resources in Latin America and the Caribbean.

About FIDAGH, in practical terms, ¿How to show regional members this membership?

It is a network that represents us to the world federation which ends up being the network of associations in human resources worldwide. Being affiliated FIDAGH facilitates the link with associations in other countries where research is done.

And specifically, how it is formed ACRIP Bogota and Cundinamarca?

There is the Executive management, four coordinations and personnel of administrative and operative support. Of the Academic Coordination there is entrusted Yolanda Escobar who handles the whole topic of events; of the Commercial Coordination, Patricia Salazar, with affiliations and sale of sponsorships for events of great format; there is the Coordination of Communications to which we gave to him a draft and orientate her to generate contents of high place I strike and, finally, the Financial and Administrative Coordination.

How many affiliated companies it has Acrip Bogotá and Cundinamarca?

Currently, we have 390 affiliates. It is important to clarify that we affiliate companies, not people. Most affiliates are medium and large because they are the ones with the consolidated area of ​​human management.

And micro? How is ACRIP providing the knowledge to this sector?

What we have thought is attracting them to make use of services ACRIP and if you want to affiliate, welcome! What it does do is highlight the importance for companies who join ACRIP get the most out of membership and usual in micro is that there are no departments of human management and this role in many cases is borne by the Manager.

Adriana, This distort the belief of which Acrip is an exclusive association for big companies!

Course.Acrip is not a closed association; what happens is that probably for a microcompany it is not attractive to affiliate to Acrip but it it does not want to say that it could not have presence; of fact, they represent because they are interested in the topic but not necessarily they have to affiliate. Though our events are opened by a few benefits and very interesting attractions for the affiliated companies, any person or company can attend the same ones without being affiliated.

And speaking of affiliated companies, ¿they classified, for example by economic sector, in order to structure programs and events to suit your needs?

We have all the sectors and what we are interested is that there are good practices independent from the sector to which they belong; it does that the spectrum is very wide.

Of another side, it is of clarifying that Acrip does not qualify. The area of our portfolio they are days of update for our members in formats that do not occupy an important part of his time. Only we have two formats of formation that are in force for 10 years, approximately: one is the graduate in Labour law with the University Javeriana, which we it do every year, and other one is the workshop of Wage Administration with an intensity of 42 hours.

¿Which are the principal events of Acrip Bogotá and Cundinamarca?

In Bogota, every January, we organize the ‘ Day of the Executive of Management It humanizes ‘ that is of big format and possesses sponsorships. Though all the regional ones organize it, ours is maybe the biggest for being the regional one where the major number of companies is concentrated.

In this event, we grant prizes to the executives of human management, accompanied of an academic event that reaches to the day. In addition, this way it is that we give beginning to the programming of all the year round.

As in the previous years, last ‘ Day of the Executive of Human Management ‘ possessed the Presidents’ assistance of different companies; which is the aim of the presence of these business leaders?

Really, we had the participation of four presidents: Organization Branch, Team Foods, Google of Colombia and Colfondos with the intention of facilitating that our community listens to other areas.

This year, especially, our approach was the management of the change. We possess the participation of Elaine Biech, international expert on the other hand organizacional and we wanted to complement it with the perspective of these four presidents of company. We had it very clear: presidents of companies who had had or were in processes of change, speaking to him to our community. We think that it was a very interesting and good format.

¿which was the result of this point of meeting between leaders of human management with the leaders of the organizations?

For three years, we are generating spaces in order that the presidents speak to him to the community of human management and have the whole intention of continuing doing it.We count on generating equally spaces in order that financial managers, managers of marketing, etc., give us the perspective that they have of the human management and of the contribution that this one does to the organization.

As I commented on him, in the celebration of the ‘ Day of the Executive of Management It Humanizes ‘, when we sit four presidents, the last question that did the moderator to them was that they him were raising to his executives of human management for what they were expecting from them and they all coincided in asking them to leave a bit to the side the operability since what they want is a strategic leader and that, if it is necessary, some processes are arranged to tercerizar in order that they center in the business as such.

Acrip has a few committees of support,¿What do these committees consist? ?

Beside being shaped by professionals of the first level, they help us to orientate the activities that we do, to turn the information into punctual activities and of relevancy for the community. For any person who is employed at human management it is fundamental to know the juridical – labor aspects of a very high level, of employment rights lawyers recognized in the country. Some members of our Juridical Committee are advisers, for example, of the Andi, which us contributes the juridical – labor perspective of this industrial unionization. For your part, to the Academic Committee it external consultants integrate affiliated companies, ex-presidents of companies. This multidisciplinariedad enriches notably our management.

And to ethical level, ¿Acrip possesses a code of ethics orientated to facilitating his daily action to the leaders of human management when ethical dilemmas to face as if the process of selection is discriminatory, if the politics of promotion that tienenes jousts, etc.?

We have not looked at it from this point of view. The practices of every company are very different. I think that every person acts in agreement with his beginning.

What yes we have thought and are going to begin to work is in the certification for the persons who are employed at human management; already we start it speaking to obtain accreditation as experts in human management or learning organizacional in alliance with an international organization.

As Executive Director of regional this one, ¿Which is the perspective for the next years?

Our regional one is doing a work of relacionamiento very strongly with national and international, governmental and private entities, which reach and allow us to generate more value to our members; this one is an arduous work, a process that is not constructed overnight and that we expect to see consolidated in the minor possible time.

¿How does Adriana relate to other managerial colleagues of similar associations?

At this moment we are more concentrates in doing local alliances to fortify. Worldwide, we are managing to manage to possess certification in human resources and the European Institute of Share capital whom we are advancing an alliance to speak about personal balance sheet labor vs.

In view of the current context to economic and social level of the country, of the company in general, ¿what invitation does it do to the leaders of human resources?

I think that very interesting opportunities are opened us, very challenging changes approach with the TLC and this is going to generate that inside the same organizations they are changing frequently his dynamics. From human management it is contributed to the competitiveness of the company and the so called one is that we look with luxury of detail what is happening in the economic environment of the country, to open our panorama, our vision because everything what happens concerns.

One of the roles is so much of everything is to because it affects necessarily the company and the management with the persons is an opportunity to shine and to be extracted when to shine the better of our leaders in human management.

Human management is the area called to facilitate these changes, processes of formation to turn more competitive the persons, everything from the perspective that gives us to be to the side and working directly with the President or General Manager. We cannot be foreign to the topics that impress the business in which we are, with the aims of our organizations integrating the operation with the strategic approach that waits for the managerial level of the companies.

And to the members, to the companies that there does part of Acrip Bogotá and Cundinamarca?

It is fundamental that the affiliated companies make come to us his ideas, comments, suggestions, all these initiatives are welcome; we are of doors opened for those who want to reach to the community of human management.

Martha Ruiz D.

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